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Select Your Membership Level

  • Active Membership

    Every year
    • Automatically renews annually
    • Limited to physicians residing and practicing in Arkansas
    • Must be a diplomat of American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Eligible for elective office with AOS
  • Affiliate Membership

    Every year
    • Automatically renews annually
    • Limited to physicians practicing in AR
    • Practice reflects major interest in Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Not eligible for elective office with AOS
  • Alumni Membership

    Every year
    • Automatically renews annually
    • Limited to physicians practicing outside of Arkansas
    • Must practice Orthopaedic Surgery and been trained in AR
    • Former UAMS faculty or formerly practiced in Arkansas
    • Not eligible for elective office with AOS
  • Associate Membership

    Every year
    • Automatically Renews Annually
    • Limited to physicians practicing in Arkansas
    • Limited to those physicians preparing for boards examination
    • Limited to who finished residency in the last 2 years
    • Not eligible for elective office with AOS
    • Will be advanced to Active membership upon board completion
  • Military Membership

    Free Plan
    • Automatically renews annually
    • Limited to physicians engaged in full-time military practice
    • Must be an orthopaedic surgeon and practicing in Arkansas
    • Military members are not eligible for elective office
    • Military members are exempt from annual dues
  • Resident Candidate Membership

    Free Plan
    • Automatically renews annually
    • Limited to orthopedic residents in the state of Arkansas
    • Not eligible for elective office with AOS
    • Residents are exempt from annual membership dues
  • Emeritus Membership

    Free Plan
    • Automatically renews annually
    • Eligible for any member who has reached the age of 65
    • OR who has been in good standing for 25 years with AOS
    • OR has retired from active clinical practice
    • Not eligible for elective office with AOS
    • Emeritus members are exempt from annual membership dues
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